Monday, May 12, 2014

My Hair Regimen From Start to Finish.

Hey you beautiful people!
Lately I've been getting A LOT of questions about my hair, how I got it to this length and how I maintain a healthy state. I decided it was time to give the full regimen start to finish. I'll list all of the products I use and how I use them.

After going to rehab for being a product junky I knew it was time to adopt the KISS mentality when it came to my hair. Using a million products left me unhappy and walking around with a lot of bad hair days. My advice: Once you find what works for your hair stick with it. The further you go into your hair journey the more you will learn how it responds to certain products. At different stages your regimen will need to be tweaked here and there but don't just throw out your whole regimen.

Whenever I know I'm going to wash my hair I always prep my hair the night before. I section my hair into 5 sections, place a plastic cap over my head, put my on my bonnet and let the products work overnight. I pre-poo (the process of preparing your hair for a shampoo with moisturizing products) throughout the night with the following products:
 Oil of choice (Coconut in the winter, Extra Virgin Olive Oil in warmer months, Sweet Almond Oil)
Tresemme Naturals Moisturizing Conditioner (Lower Sulfates)

The following day I shampoo and condition.
Shampoo and Conditioners:

 Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus Shampoo
 Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Conditioner
 Naked Shampoo
Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus Conditioner

While in the shower I rinse out the prepoo and shampoo each section. After the section I'm working on is thoroughly cleansed I apply my conditioner. This is when I detangle with a wide tooth comb. When my hair was shorter I didn't apply conditioner until my whole head had been shampooed but now the process takes more time so my hair can condition as I'm working on other sections. After conditioning I wash my body to give my hair a little more time to soak up the moisture lol. Then I go back and rinse every section out. I no longer use a towel to dry my hair I use a t-shirt because it limits frizz and keeps my hair moisturized.

After my hair is about 80% dry I begin to style. No matter what curly style I do (braid out, twist out, bantu knots) I use these products.

Oil of choice (see oils listed above)

 Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Conditioner
Fantasia IC Gel

After running my wide tooth comb through the section I'm working on I apply a generous amount of the Cantu Shea Butter to my hair working it all the way through. Next a apply a little bit of oil (no more than a dime size if it's a big section), style (twist, etc.) and then I put a dime sized amount of gel on my index finger and thumb and run it down the twist so I get a little hold. For each section I repeat. Most of the time I air dry but if I'm in a rush I sit under the hair dryer.
AND THAT'S IT. Very simple. Very minimal product.

I've been blessed to have a great amount of hair growth and I retained my length. Of course I protective style but the regimen always stays the same. Thanks for reading and I hope I helped some of your with your journey! Never quit. Never give up. It's not easy but it's so worth it! I'm in LOVE with my hair.

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