Hello all. It has been a while indeed! I haven't written, not because I lack inspiration but I've been in hiding. I have been figuring out life and learning more about myself. Also I've been avoiding being so blunt about my emotions, vulnerability is not my thing lol. This one is not directed towards a specific topic, like I normally do but I'm sure one will develop :)
As of May 2, 2010 I will be out of college for one year. My how things have changed. I can count friends on on hand (trying not to get down to one finger lol), I'm working a full-time job that makes me feel 40 lol, steadily building my modeling portfolio and the list continues. Although much has changed and there is a bit of disconnect between me in college and me as an alum, I must say I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. Not quite as far as I would like to be but not as far behind as I could be.
Each journey we take in life is designated to steer us on the path to the future. Teach us valuable lessons to handle the pain, strife, happiness, and joy we will be faced with in our endeavours. When time was dwindling down to graduation time, I remember I prayed a specific prayer. I asked God to steer my path, be the captain and guide me toward the right designation. Keep me from the people that will hinder my success and walk with him and introduce me to people who will shed light and make my journey that much easier. Now praying this I had NO idea what I was in store for. The loneliness, tears to be shed, depression I felt, friendships to be broken and extensive amount of decisions to be made. Although I did hurt in moments, I look back and just say Thank You Lord.
You see, life is not always what we expect or intend to do. We just live it accordingly and to our best ability. People from your past are there for a reason, they are no longer substantial to your future. Now as much as they may mean, why keep someone around who can keep you from obtaining the great things in life God has for you? Now at times, we go through things where it seems like no one around us can understand or even imagine. We feel lonely, forgotten, and maybe even unloved. What I've learned is these are moments where we must really seek God, talk to him and try to understand what he wants from us in that moment. He may be taking you to a higher level and need s to clear out all the nay sayers, disbelievers, and people who cannot comprehend the places we are headed. (I'm talking to myself).
So I guess this is it... Let God guide you. He promised to NEVER leave or forsake you. He has your life planned out. Now it is u to you to decide if you will be the one to hang on to the garbage he is trying to sweep out of your life, or will you allow him to take the wheel and direct you do a place you've never imagined. Everyone keep me and prayer and please know you are in mine. Don't lose your faith even in the face of adversity, and remember he is ALWAYS listening.
Signed,Desaree Franchon