Ok so right this past Saturday (the 15th) were the auditions for America's Next Top Model. Now anyone who knows me knows that I love the show, love modeling, and have tried out for the show 3 times previously. I always felt like it was "My Time" when I attended each casting but no avail I wasn't chosen any time.
The fear of not being chosen a 4th time was hanging over my head and almost kept me from going. The night before I was so upset because I wanted to wear the right thing and be perfect and nothing seemed right. I was beginning to stress myself out over a casting I hadn't even made it to and there was no guarantee I would make it lol.
Well long story short I attended but didn't make it (I know sad face lol). But you know what, I'm proud of myself. I went after something I really wanted. I received 2 interviews out of it while I was in line, which will be helpful to my future, AND I took the train to NY for the 1st time all by myself! So with that being said, I may not be in the running for ANTM but I overcame my fears and even embarked on new journeys! Every little bit counts and evidently this was not what God has in store for me. But you know what I will meet Tyra Banks one day, just on different terms :) . Thank you all for your encouragement prior to me going and keep me in your prayers because you are surely in mine.
Desaree' Franchon
Desaree' Franchon